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How to grow peppers

Learning to grow your own peppers. Tips and helpful information.

The pepper belongs to the solanaceous family and goes by the scientific name of Capsicum annuum L.

It is a leafy perennial plant with an annual growth cycle. It can vary between 0,5m to 2m in size.

Its growth habit tends to be limited and upright. Two or three shoots branch out from the cross and continue branching out dichotomously. It possesses a deep pivoting root system with various roots.

The leaf is complete, smooth and lanceolate with a very pronounced tip and a long petiole, which is not particularly visible. The shaft is smooth and shiny, soft to the touch and either light or dark green in colour.

The main vein, part of the base of the leaf, as well as the secondary veins are pronounced and almost reach to edge of the leaf.

Leaf intersection takes place alternately and their size tends to vary producing a certain correlation between the size of the adult leaf and the average weight of the fruit.

The flowers appear singularly at each node of the stalk. They are small and have a white corolla.

The fruit is a hollow berry which varies in colour; it is semi-cartilaginous and dull.

The seeds can be found within a cone shaped placenta in the centre. They are round, slightly reniform, pale yellow in colour with a length that varies from 3mm to 5mm.

It is fundamental to manage climatic conditions in order that good crop management practices may be carried out.

This plant is unable to cope with frost as it requires a hot or warm climate. The minimum temperature for germination and growth to take place is 15ºC, whereas flowering and fruit formation requires 18ºC, the optimum temperature oscillating between 20ºC to 26ºC.

If the plant is subject to low temperatures during the development of the flower bud, the result will be flowers and fruit showing abnormalities. On the other hand, high temperature will be the direct cause of both the flowers and fruit dropping off, whereas brusque temperature changes will cause growth imbalance.

The pepper plant requires a large amount of light, especially during the first stages of growth and flowering. The optimum relative humidity oscillates between 50% and 70%. If the humidity is any higher diseases will develop in those parts which are exposed to the air, this will in turn make fertilization difficult. On the other hand, if humidity is too low, and the plant is subject to high temperatures, both the recently formed flowers and fruit will fall off.

The pepper plant requires deep loose soil which is well drained and rich in organic matter. This is due to the fact that this plant is highly sensitive to choked roots.

It is not particularly sensitive to soil acidity and adapts well to a pH range between 5.5 and 7.

This species is moderately tolerant towards soil salinity as well as the salinity of the irrigation water used.

Peppers are grown in seedbeds during the months of February and March in the northern hemisphere, and are transplanted approximately 2 months later into well-ventilated soil which is rich in organic matter. Seedlings should be placed in rows with a space of 40-50cm between each plant and 60-70 cm between rows.

This plant requires ample heat and light. The optimum relative humidity varies from 50% to 70 %; the soil should be deep loamy-sandy soil which is rich in organic matter and well drained.

The most common plant spacing is 1×0.5m although in some cases it may be reduced to as many as 3 plants /m2.

Watering should be carried out moderately but on a consistent basis, drop irrigation is preferable due to the possible development of mould.

Ridging is a technique that is used with this crop. It consists of heaping up soil to cover the neck of the plant and in this way improving both the stability of the plant, together with the growth of adventitious roots. This method prevents the stems from making direct contact with the water used for irrigation.

Staking is also carried out in order to prevent the plants from falling over or the stems from snapping due to the weight of the fruit.

There are two methods of staking, one consists of polypropylene lines or cords which are joined together to form a net, which then supports the plants and the Dutch system; which is where each of the stalks are left after pruning to shape the plants takes place. They are tied to a trellis with a vertical line which causes the plant to trail around itself as it grows.

As pruning takes place the number of stalks is reduced to two or three. Any leaves or buds that appear below the cross of the plant should be eliminated. It is also advisable to get rid of any senescent or diseased leaves.

At the end of the productive cycle de-budding of the plants is carried out along with leaf thinning. This is done to facilitate the ripening process with respect to the fruit which is left. It is also advisable to eliminate any fruit which appear at the first cross. This is done to ensure that the fruit obtained is of a better quality, shape, and comes to fruition earlier. This in turn will produce a better crop yield.

The flower has a reproductive system which varies depending upon species and variety. This causes numerous intermediate situations between autogamy and allogamy and flower formation is largely conditioned by temperature.

The pepper plant requires plenty of nitrogen during the first phases of growth, phosphorous is necessary when the first flowers appear and throughout the seed ripening process. Potassium is required in order to obtain early fruit colour and quality, and magnesium is needed during the ripening stage.

The main plagues to affect peppers are white fly, plant lice, and thrips. Parasitoids and auxiliary fauna native to the area are used to biologically control enemy predators.

The main diseases are White Rot, Grey Rot, Soft Rot and Wilt, and Bacterial Scabies.

Harvesting will depend upon factors such as the variety grown, sowing and climate; which tends to be in the warm season.

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