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Plant Health
Soil-Jet BSP100 enhances water and nutrient use efficiency, reduces soil water repellence, accelerates water penetration, and maintains moisture levels, improving turf health and quality.
Participating PepsiCo Europe farmers will be equipped with best-in-class crop nutrition products and advice as well as precision farming digital tools.
The fund will offer both equity and debt support, specifically targeting high-risk, high- impact activities in the agriculture value chain.
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Rape Growing

Rape is a cruciferous plant with pivot and profound root. When its main root encounters obstacles to deepen, it is capable of developing secondary roots.

Triticale Growing

Triticale is a cereal, a product of crossbreeding between wheat and rye. Its name is formed from Triticum (wheat) and Secale (rye).

Flax Growing

Flax belongs to the family Linaceae. It is herbaceous and annual species. Its roots are shorts and its stems have a maximum length of one meter. It has narrow and entire leaves. Its solitary terminal flowers are…

Poinsettia Growing

Poinsettia is a shrubby plant that is very common to confuse its bracts with its leaves. The bracts are brightly coloured and developed at the end of the branches surrounding the inflorescences.

Pomegranate Growing

The origin of the pomegranate extends from the Balkans to the Himalayas; it is considered as one of the most cultivated fruit trees since ancient times so there is a great genetic diversity.

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