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Poinsettia Growing

Poinsettia is a shrubby plant that is very common to confuse its bracts with its leaves. The bracts are brightly coloured and developed at the end of the branches surrounding the inflorescences.


Pomegranate Growing

The origin of the pomegranate extends from the Balkans to the Himalayas; it is considered as one of the most cultivated fruit trees since ancient times so there is a great genetic diversity.


Syngonium Growing

The Syngonium belongs to the family of the Araceae and comes from Central and South America, where it grows in the rainforests, climbing on trees or rocks.


Cyclamen growing

Cyclamen, also called Persian violet, is one of the most popular winter flowering plants in Europe due to its particular beauty.


Ficus growing

It is one of the most widely used in ornamental horticulture, ranking first in sales probably due to its adaptability and easy cultivation.


Coleus Growing

There are a great number of varieties, obtained by hybridization of different species, which are grouped by appearance, size and shape of the leaves, colour, etc.


Aphelandra Growing

The aphelandra is native to tropical regions of the Americas and its name comes from two Greek words which mean sessile and masculine, thus making reference to the botanical characteristics of the flowers.


Hydrangea Growing

The hydrangea is a shrub belonging to the saxifragaceous family. The most important species are characterized by inflorescences.


Pothos Growing

Pothos is a plant of tropical origin, belonging to the family Araceae. It is grown indoors and it is used for decorations. Its leaves grow on climbing or hanging stems.


Monstera Growing

Practical guide for a professional production of monstera, ornamental plant that belongs to the araceaeous family.

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