Fruit Attraction reinforces its offer of fresh produce with The Organic Hub Companies dedicated to ecological fruit and vegetable products will be able to present their brand and product proposals 7/3/2015
“The trade show's commitment to a growing sector like organic production is a step forward for producers and buyers who will be able to observe the excellent offerings of Spain, the biggest producer of organic produce in Europe”, confirms Diego Granados, deputy chairman of Ecovalia. In response to the growing specialisation of European fruit and vegetable operators, the next edition of FRUIT ATTRACTION 2015 (#FA15), to be held between 28-30 October, will include 'The Organic Hub', a new area dedicated to the whole fresh organic produce sector. In this way, companies dedicated to ecological fruit and vegetable products will be able to present their brand and product proposals to all fruit and vegetable sector operators, importers, the retail and hotel and catering sectors, and the entire fruit and vegetable distribution chain, with a view to promoting sourcing and export relations. Spain, in addition to being one of the biggest producers and exporters of fruit and vegetables in Europe, occupies the first position in terms of the organic production and marketing of fruit and vegetables, root vegetables, pulses and dried fruit. 'The Organic Hub´ thus becomes the perfect space for the necessary interaction between the supply and demand of fresh organic produce. "At one of the best international showcases for the fruit and vegetable sector, Fruit Attraction, the organisers' commitment to a growing sector like ecological production is a step forward for producers and buyers, who will see the excellent offerings of Spain, the biggest producer of organic produce in Europe, materialised at the Organic Hub", confirmed Diego Granados, deputy chairman of Ecovalia. According to Jean-Luc Angles, Managing Director of Solagora S.A.S., an Anecoop Group company that has already confirmed its interest in participating in this section, "the sustained growth in the consumption of fresh, biologically cultivated fruit and vegetable, makes the creation of specific promotional events and spaces for these types of products increasingly more necessary. Since its first edition, Fruit Attraction has picked up its pace and there is no doubt that The Organic Hub will become the leading showcase event for organic fruit and vegetables". With a distinctive image and communications campaign, The Organic Hub will be located in hall 10 at Fruit Attraction (#FA15) where international operators of organic produce will convene to participate. Furthermore, the organic theme will be completed at the #FruitForum with a session on the “Marketing and Commercialisation of Organic Fruit and Vegetables in Europe”, which will be held on Wednesday 28 October.
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