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FruitVegetablesEurope calls on the EU for greater flexibility in the implementation of operational programs

They consider that it is necessary to modify article 1 of the draft delegated regulation of the Commission regarding the exceptional measures of Covid-19.


Handling of fruit and vegetable products.

FruitvegetablesEUROPE has sent a letter to the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Janusz Wojciechowski, to reiterate the deep concern of the sector regarding the COVID-19 crisis and its negative repercussions on the European fruit and vegetables sector.

In the letter, FruitvegetablesEUROPE welcomes the measures announced by the Commission on April 22, which seek to increase the flexibility of sectoral fruit and vegetable programs. However, FruitvegetablesEUROPE considers that the measures are totally insufficient for the EU fruit and vegetable sector.

 FruitvegetablesEUROPE also recalled that it is necessary to adopt and apply adequate measures until the social and economic crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic has ended.

Consequently, the European Fruit and Vegetable Association has asked the European Commission to temporarily repeal Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013, applicable to organizations of fruit and vegetable producers, in order to have more flexibility in the implementation of operational programs.

FruitvegetablesEUROPE estimates that the modification will improve the approved budgets, making adjustments more flexible and allowing the inclusion of certain costs that producers will not be able to carry out due to the exceptional situation created by COVID-19.

The repeal should allow the inclusion, on an exceptional basis, of measures that contribute to the sustainability of the activity of associated producers and producer organizations in the concepts of annual expenses for this year 2020. FruitvegetablesEUROPE has proposed to include:
  • General expenses related to section 1 of Annex II of the Delegated Regulation of the EU Commission 2017/891, as well as the extraordinary direct expenses attributable to the application of the protocols of protection against Covid-19 (protection material and extraordinary expenses of personal transportation). In addition, the already approved budget should be allowed for withdrawals.

  • The running costs of production should also be allowed, such as seeds, plants, plant protection products, fertilizers, etc.

  • It should also be crucial to allow producer organizations to request an increase in Union financial support to 4.6%, when the notified and granted support has been less than that percentage.

Finally, FruitvegetablesEUROPE requested the amendment of article 1 of the draft delegated regulation of the Commission regarding the exceptional measures of Covid-19 to include the general production expenses (included in section 1 of Annex 2 of Delegated Regulation 2017/891) and the exceptional expenses resulting from Covid-19.

FruitvegetablesEUROPE, as the main European sectoral association representing fruit and vegetable producers in the EU, will continue to work with the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council to obtain measures adapted to the reality of COVID-19 and to mitigate its negative impact in the fruit and vegetables sector. Likewise, through its European promotion program "CuTE - Cultivating the Taste of Europe", it will continue to encourage the promotion of the production methods and consumption of EU fruit and vegetables.

Juan Marín, President, stated: "Like the health sector, fruit and vegetable producers in the EU are also on the front line of battle against COVID-19. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, all producers of EU fruit and vegetables have worked intensively in the fields and in warehouses, while also ensuring that factories, logistics, distribution, marketing and outlets across the EU are working well to ensure supply maintenance in order to "put food on our tables." These great efforts have additional costs and producers must be helped. "

Alba Ridao-Bouloumié, Secretary General, stressed: "The disturbances of the EU market in the fruit and vegetables sector are real, several sectors are suffering the consequences of COVID-19 (additional transport costs, decreased consumption, difficulty to have seasonal workers, etc.). The response to this global health, social and economic crisis must be European. Therefore, the EU should commit to proposing measures at European level that reassure markets, producers and consumers. from the EU alike."

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