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Greenhouses in southern Europe ensure healthy food production in times of health crisis

They comply with the requirements of the European Food Safety Authority, with the requirements of distribution chains and have the most demanding international certifications.


Tomatoes from a greenhouse.

We are facing a very important opportunity to value greenhouse fruit and vegetable crops in southern Spain. They are framed within the European production models, complying with the requirements of the EU Food Safety Authority. In addition, they take into account the regulations of the distribution chains and are subject to the most demanding quality certifications at international level. All this allows us to affirm that they are the most appropriate to ensure the health of citizens also in times of pandemic.

Now, consumers are more aware than ever of the crucial role that food plays in health to achieve well-being and lead a fulfilling life. That is why they demand healthy and quality products. At the same time, they value that the environment has been respected in the production processes.

Faced with the situation unleashed by the coronavirus, consumers need to be more informed than ever about the production models of the European Union and about the high parameters of quality, traceability, food safety and environmental sustainability of these productions.

An international consortium of which APROA, the Association of Organizations of Producers of Fruit and Vegetables of Andalusia, has been working and coordinated by FruitVegetablesEUROPE (EUCOFEL).

European methods of fruit and vegetable production are at the forefront of the world. Greenhouse crops - especially linked to southern Spain, although also present to a lesser extent in northern and central Europe, with different systems - obtain high quality standards, which have allowed the success of these productions and their progressive internationalization. Experience and tradition, together with technology and innovation are key to guaranteeing the population tasty, safe and healthy fruits and vegetables at reasonable prices.

Almería and Granada, in the south of Spain, are an example in the sustainable management of natural resources, where greenhouses only represent 3.4% of the province's territory while 50% are protected natural spaces.

Greenhouses in southern Europe are a sustainable option, since they do without fossil energy, since they use a renewable and inexhaustible source of energy such as the sun, save water, reduce the use of phytosanitary products and absorb C02. In fact, they consume up to 30 times less energy than other productive systems.

The greenhouses in Almería and Granada produce 4.5 million tons of vegetables (mainly tomato, pepper, cucumber, eggplant, zucchini, melon and watermelon) and supply more than 47% of the domestic market and 50% of the European markets , reaching over 60% during the winter months, when continental production is not viable due to low temperatures. Since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, the sector has shown its great capacity, guaranteeing the supply of fresh food within the EU.

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