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Israel promotes local products by marking them in blue and white

The Israeli Ministry of Agriculture has turned to distribution chains to mark bulk agricultural products in the colors of the Israeli flag, thereby promoting their consumption.


Blue and white mark that will indicate that the products are Israeli.

Before Israel's 72nd Independence Day, and to help as much as possible, the Israeli Department of Agriculture has reached out to marketing chains to colorize local fruits and vegetables on store shelves in blue and white. encourage the consumption of Israeli fruits and vegetables.

In Israel, fresh agricultural products are mainly sold in bulk as non-basic consumer goods. That is, the mode of sale does not allow a clear identification of the state of production and, in the absence of such information, the consumer cannot know where they are produced. Today, Israeli consumer protection laws requiring the marking of the source of production on products exclude unpackaged food products (such as vegetables and fruits, meat, fish and the like). Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture for Marketing Networks has requested to mark the local product on the network shelves voluntarily, thus helping to identify the source of the fresh bulk agricultural product and encouraging the public to favor it.

The Director of Market Research at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Tzipi Sabag-Friedkin has indicated that "according to consumer surveys conducted in recent years, it is clear that the Israeli public recognizes the characteristics of Israeli products, both in in terms of product quality, flavor or health values ​​such as their contribution to Israeli society and job creation in Israel. So we turned to marketing chains and retail stores and asked them to 'paint the shelves blue and white ', to mark local products produced in Israel by whatever means the chain chooses. We believe this measure will also help Israeli farmers, raise awareness among the public and increase consumption of Israeli agricultural products through the colors white and blue".

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