Spain | Seminars
Novagric and Etifa's vertical farming webinar successfully completed after two full-capacity sessions 200 people attended live to these webinars that have been made from the inside of Vertical Farming facilities with crops. 6/26/2020
On June 17th, took place the first Vertical Farming webinar in Spanish an with live crops. After completing the maximum capacity of 100 attendees only two days after the start of the registration period, on 24th June, a week later, a second session of this webinar was held, also with full capacity. 200 people attended live to these webinars that have been made from the inside of Vertical Farming facilities with crops. Attendees connected to these online sessions from different parts of the world, most of them from Spain and America, but also from other parts of Europe and from Asia. The speakers, engineers of Novagric, addressed different aspects of protected vertical farming systems. José Manuel Sánchez explained the current context of Vertical Farming, and the future forecasts of this technology, in addition to the different solutions that the implementation of these systems provides compared to other models of agriculture. Ismael Salar talked about the technical and structural aspects of the Vertical Farming modules developed by Novagric's technical department, as well as the operation of lighting and fertigation systems, or climate control systems, which operate semi-automatic. Other topics more related to cultivation strategies were also discussed, and the plants produced inside of these Vertical Farming facilities located in the Novagric innovation area were shown live. Alfonso González, coordinator of Etifa (the entity organizer of the event) was the moderator in both sessions and who led the round of questions that took place at the end of the webinars. In the future, this entity is expected to make more webinars related to innovation in the field of agriculture, and they will be accessible from its website:
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