Dominican Republic | Production
The Dominican Government plans to plant more than 6,288.6 hectares of coffee crops in its first year of management The Dominican Government plans to plant more than 6,288.6 hectares of coffee crops in its first year of management 11/25/2020
The Government of the Dominican Republic received a recovery plan for the Dominican coffee sector from Industrias Banilejas (INDUBAN), which includes the delivery of two tons of seeds of high genetic quality, germinated seedlings, a brochure with the situation of the sector and other measures to boost the production of aromatic grain. Minister Cruz highlighted the relaunch plan that the State has for the Dominican coffee sector, which aims to reach 10,000 cultivation tasks (6,288.6 hectares) for the first year of management. He highlighted that in just three months they have begun to recover the sowing areas and more than nine million plants have been planted and almost all of the planning has been completed with around 43,000 tasks (2704.1 hectares) cultivated to date. The owner indicated that he found the sector in decline and that the goal is to raise current grain productivity in the short, medium and long term, and return to the Dominican Republic the position it has reached in terms of coffee production and exports. He said “Dominican coffee was one of the four traditional table legs in exports from the country, and we found a considerable decrease in planting areas, with only one million tasks planted, a production of only 600,000 quintals, when they were produced here one million 400,000 quintals; and the whole country full of old plantations with an average of only 35 pounds per task, when the average production of the private sector is three quintals per task ”. They also found “deteriorated roads and other weaknesses in production, we decided to carry out a survey and today the diagnosis of the sector is hard, but all is not lost, because we have the technicians, we have a plan which we are going to reinforce together with the recovery received, we are going to get the best out of here and with the gifts received from the Induban house we are going to sow throughout the country in the areas that provide greater productivity ”, he specified. In the activity carried out at the Induban premises in Rancho Arriba, President Luis Abinader and Minister Limber Cruz, together with other authorities of the coffee sector and other government entities, received inputs for the recovery of coffee growing, as well as a diagnostic talk of the current situation of the sector. Then they took a tour of the plant production and reproduction nurseries that the corporation has in this demarcation.
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