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The Maizar Congress will join back the Argentine corn and sorghum sector after two years being virtual due to the pandemic

The 16th Annual Congress will once again bring the sector together in person in an edition that will make the presence of the corn and sorghum chain visible, with all the technical news for producers and a large space for young people.


Image of Maizar Congress 2022.

This year, the MAIZAR Congress will have its 16th edition, in a complex and challenging international situation, in which the Russian invasion of Ukraine brought old and new issues related to global food and energy security to the table. In turn, Argentina, which is in a privileged position to provide the country and the world with food, energy and a large quantity of quality sustainable bioproducts, is caught up in unresolved discussions that cast doubt on its course.

In this confusing framework, from the Argentine Corn and Sorghum Association we decided to shuffle and give again. "Corn is always there" is the motto of this Congress. Because if the idea of ​​corn is reduced to some plants that are in the field, we are not doing something right. Corn is in breakfast cereals, popcorn, tacos, grits, polenta, and locro; it is in beef, pork, chicken, milk and eggs; it is in multiple food ingredients, such as alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, candies, chewing gum, soups, dressings, sweeteners; it is in the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, in alcohol, gasoline, glues, ceramics, paper, paint, textiles, tires, bioplastics. More than 600 products today contain corn, and its uses continue to be discovered. Even its waste is used, for example, to generate bioenergy.

The Argentine maize complex is also the second source of dollars for Argentine exports, generates more than 700,000 direct jobs, and has one of the lowest carbon footprints in the world, which this year we are measuring to value it. Because, when the war is over, environmental issues will return to the center of the scene and we have to be prepared. Sorghum has also been growing as fodder and human food without TACC, and with exports that increased fivefold in 2021. We have one of the most efficient photosynthetic basins in the world, managed by a scientific, technical and productive community of excellence, and this gives us crucial added value compared to our competitors.

At the Maizar 2022 Congress we are going to reflect on all this, what was done and is being done, and the fundamental role of the links in this complex chain. And we are going to generate specific spaces for two of the relevant actors: producers, bringing the latest technical innovations, and young people, to learn about their points of view and what they have to offer.

As always, the Congress will be an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences on the business opportunities that are opened from those engines that are corn and sorghum. Due to its magnitude, it will take place on both floors of the Goldencenter, and will have a large-capacity networking room to strengthen relationships and strategic alliances. And, for those who cannot get close, a virtual platform will broadcast the event.

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