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Spain | European Elections

Europeans punish politicians who do not listen enough to the agricultural sector

Producers ask the new European Parliament to rethink policies to guarantee the profitability of farms.


A European citizen, voting.

If there was a sector especially attentive to the results of the European elections, it is the agricultural sector, because its future depends on the regulations that emanate from Brussels. The president of the Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA), Cristóbal Aguado, highlights “the enormous abstention in the European elections (participation in Spain does not even reach 50%, eleven points below the previous elections) and the obvious punishment of politicians who do not listen enough to society and the agricultural sector in particular. In view of the results, the politicians in the governments and especially in the European Commission are not doing something right.”

Mr. Aguado highlights “the preference for the large pro-European parties” but adds that “it would be good if they depended less on small groups with radical philosophies that are excessively straining the production differences between Europeans and third countries that export to Europe. When ideology is excessively tense, social well-being also suffers.”

For this reason, the agricultural leader points out as a challenge that “Europeans feel duly listened to and cared for. "We must recover dialogue and consensus with economic sectors such as agriculture and reorient policies by prioritizing European agriculture over environmental regulations, always based on scientific and non-ideological criteria."

AVA-ASAJA asks the new European Parliament to rethink policies to guarantee the profitability of farmers and ranchers and, therefore, European food sovereignty. Their main demands include reciprocity with imports to avoid unfair competition, greater phytosanitary control, the availability of solutions against pests and diseases, reducing bureaucracy, making agri-environmental requirements more flexible, rebalancing the European food chain, betting on new genomic techniques, a European hydrological policy and an Agricultural Restoration Law.

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