Mildew pathogen
New race of downy mildew in spinach receives official designation The International Working Group on Peronospora farinosa (IWGP) has officially designated the isolate UA4712 as race Pfs:15. 9/18/2014
The International Working Group on Peronospora farinosa (IWGP) has officially designated the isolate UA4712 as race Pfs:15. This new race of the downy mildew pathogen, which beats the resistance of a number of key spinach varieties, was first discovered in November 2012 in Imperial Valley, USA. The IWGP decided on the designation for the race after thorough evaluation of the significance of this development for spinach production. Rijk Zwaan’s spinach assortment includes HR varieties with Pfs 1-15 for every season. Media source: Rijk Swaan
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