France | Aids
Action Logement and France promote aid for seasonal workers and agricultural employees in difficulty due to COVID-19 The aid consists of 150 euros per month, renewable up to 600 euros for agricultural employees who carry out a seasonal activity and regardless of the size of the company that employs them. 6/23/2020
Action Logement and the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food, in concert with all the social partners in the agricultural world, have decided to support temporary workers in the agricultural sector, mobilized during the health crisis, and employees facing loss of income due to the crisis. To help them cover their accommodation costs, Action Housing Group has decided to pay them a renewable aid of 150 euros. The social partners intend to concretely exercise their social utility and activate their values of solidarity at the end of the Covid-19 crisis. During the health crisis, the mobilization of seasonal agricultural workers made it possible to guarantee the normal functioning of food circuits, which enabled the population's supply chain to be maintained. To account for the costs related to your temporary accommodation costs, Action Logement has decided to establish exceptional assistance. The Group, which collects PEAEC (Participation of agricultural companies in the construction effort) every year, mobilizes an envelope of 6 million euros for this device, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The assistance Aid of 150 euros per month, renewable up to 600 euros. Beneficiaries Employees of companies in the agricultural sector, regardless of the age, duration and nature of their employment contract, who carry out a seasonal activity and regardless of the size of the company that employs them. Requirements
Furthermore, the French Ministry of Agriculture welcomes the fact that in Action Logement the benefit of exceptional aid is extended to employees covered by the agricultural social protection plan for employees facing a drop in earnings For the payment. of your rent or home loan repayment, announced on June 11. This flat-rate aid of 150 euros per month, for a maximum duration of 2 months, refers to eligible employees whose resources are less than 1.5 times the minimum wage. Bruno ARCADIPANE, President of Action Logement Groupe declares: "Action Logement has always supported companies in the agricultural world. By mobilizing seasonal workers, they demonstrated, during the health crisis, that they are more than ever essential to our society. It was It is normal that the social partners concretely show their support for the agricultural world ”. Jean-Jacques PEROT, Vice President of Action Logement Groupe emphasizes: "Employees in the agricultural world have a right to solidarity and support, especially for seasonal workers, who face specific housing problems. Didier GUILLAUME, Minister of Agriculture and Food adds: "During this health crisis, the daily work and commitment of employees from the agricultural world made it possible to maintain our food chain in all territories. It was normal that with Action Logement, we could support the access to accommodation to promote the employment of its employees " Action Logement For more than 65 years, the vocation of Action Logement, a leading player in social and intermediate housing in France, has been to facilitate access to housing to promote employment. Action Logement jointly manages employer participation in the Construction Effort (PEEC) for employee housing, corporate performance, and attractiveness of the regions. Thanks to its regional presence, as close as possible to companies and their employees, its 18,000 employees carry out two main missions in the field.
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