USA | Production and markets
Four avocado producers and importers, new directive of the American Hass Avocado Board The HAB, which encompasses the US avocado sector, encourages growers to work together to carry out initiatives and learn about growth opportunities for the avocado business. 12/11/2020
The Hass Avocado Board (HAB) announced four producers and importers have been seated to HAB’s executive committee. The twelve-member board of directors elected the following members to serve for the 2021 board year. Newly seated HAB executive committee members include:
“I am honored to continue supporting the work of HAB alongside these respected industry members seated to the executive committee,” said HAB Chairman Jorge Hernandez. “We know HAB’s success truly depends on the leadership of our board members and we look forward to supporting HAB’s vision of making fresh Hass avocados America’s most popular fruit by 2025.” HAB also recognizes those members who have served and will not be returning following 2020. “We offer our sincere gratitude to Dave Billings, Laura Luschei and Jose Antonio Gomez for their service to the Board,” said HAB Executive Director Emiliano Escobedo. “Each have been an important part of HAB’s legacy of success in promoting Hass avocados in the United States and we wish them the best.” As the only independent avocado organization, HAB’s goal is to equip the entire industry for success. The executive committee will play a pivotal role in implementing HAB’s new 2021-2025 strategic plan, which includes strategies, objectives and five-year working goals across each of five strategic priority areas: 1. Sustainability 2. Nutrition 3. Business Support Tools and Information 4. Industry Engagement and Leadership 5. Communications For the industry, HAB strives to be a catalyst for action and a reason to be confident. All industry members are encouraged to register at hassavocadoboard.com to view timely industry updates and access tools that will help facilitate the decision-making process for their avocado business. The Hass Avocado Board The Hass Avocado Board (HAB) exists to help make avocados America’s most popular fruit. HAB is the only avocado organization that equips the entire global industry for success by collecting, focusing and distributing investments to maintain and expand demand for avocados in the United States. HAB provides the industry with consolidated supply and market data, conducts nutrition research, educates health professionals, and brings people together from all corners of the industry to collectively work towards growth that benefits everyone. The organization also collects and reallocates funds to California and importer associations to benefit specific countries of origin in promoting their avocado brands to customers and consumers across the United States.
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