Portugal | Grants
Portugal invests 10 million euros for the installation of young farmers in low-density territories These measures are specific to young farmers who set up for the first time on a farm, aged between 18 and 40, on the date of submission of the application. 11/20/2020
The Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture today opened two notices of the PDR2020 to support the installation of young farmers in low-density territories, through a prize for the first installation and support for the respective investment in agricultural exploration. These two notices represent an allocation of 10 million euros, of which 2 million euros are allocated to operation 3.1.1 “Young Farmers”, for the award of the installation premium, and 8 million euros allocated to operation 3.1.2 for “Investment of young farmers on the farm ”. These measures are complementary, and involve a joint application. According to the Minister of Agriculture, Maria do Céu Antunes, this support «aims to increase the attractiveness of the agricultural sector to young people, to encourage the renewal and rejuvenation of agricultural companies and the productive structure, innovation, quality and food security, generating wealth and creating value in low density territories. We anticipate that the 8 million euros made available for operation 3.1.2. leverage a total investment of around 21 million euros ”. These measures are specific for young farmers who settle on a farm for the first time, aged between 18 and 40 years old, at the date of submission of the application. Another condition is the guarantee of ownership and direct management of the agricultural holding for a minimum period of five years. The holder of the portfolio of agriculture, also underlined that «the PDR2020 has already supported 2430 investment projects by Young Farmers in low density municipalities, totaling 262 million euros, and representing an investment of 656 million euros, having granted 69 million euros in prizes for the installation of Young Farmers. A figure that represents 70% of the support granted to young people in this programming period ». The application submission period ends on January 20, 2021.
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