Italy | Exhibitions
Macfrut 2021 is unveiled in Latin America The international presentations of Macfrut Special Edition continue, which will take place in Rimini from September 7 to 9, 2021. In May, the virtual meetings will be with Colombia, Peru and Chile. 5/11/2021
“We are the first face-to-face fair after a year and a half of closure. We really want to start over and this is a great opportunity for the entire sector, as we will be able to work as a team and once again give a boost to the sector ”. These are the words of Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut, an international fair for the fruit and vegetable sector that will be held soon at Rimini Fiera (Italy) from September 7 to 9, 2021. Cesena Fiera, organizer of the event, has not stopped in these months: 15 virtual presentations of Macfrut 2021 have been organized in connection with various areas of the world. These presentations will continue soon in Colombia (May 18), Peru (May 20) and Chile (May 24). “Against all expectations, the international travel blockade has turned out to be a great opportunity to make a large number of virtual presentations. - Explains Piraccini - In fact, it would have been impossible to hold so many events in such a short time around the world ”. One of the characteristic aspects of the next edition of Macfrut will be precisely the combination of virtual and face-to-face events. “This situation has highlighted the importance of human contact, for this reason it is necessary to start once again with live relationships. A closing period that exceeds a year and a half is surely long. Thanks to the opening of the activities at fairs and the possibility of traveling thanks to the powerful vaccination campaign, Macfrut is the perfect opportunity to resume these relationships ”. The ace up its sleeve is called Macfrut Special Edition: an innovative format that combines the pioneering experience in the network, an experience that was very successful with the first edition of Macfrut Digital in 2020, and everything that has been learned in 37 editions of This beast for professionals in the sector. “With Macfrut Digital we are the only ones who have held a true digital fair dedicated to the fruit and vegetable sector. It is not about a market, but about three days dedicated to business in this sector on a virtual platform. We make this experience available to everyone, along with the face-to-face event. Perhaps the large fairs that have been carried out in parallel are triumphs of the past and from now on there will be events in this sector that know how to unite face-to-face and digital activities to allow the participation of distant countries. It is still early to draw conclusions, but this is the trend that we have noticed. Macfrut 2021 is a great opportunity. ”, Finishes Renzo Piraccini.
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