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New field tests confirm better melon plant yields with Arrigoni Lirsa brand agrofilms

The agrofilms, successfully tested by Lorenzini Naturamica, enhanced temperature control and reduced water use.


Greenhouses with Arrigoni Lirsa agrofilm.

High summer temperatures and attacks by aphids and other pests are the main obstacles that melon growers have to overcome to achieve satisfactory results. New field tests conducted on the land of italian industry leaders OP Lorenzini Naturamica of Mantua and Azienda Agricola Malavasi provided abundant confirmation of the efficacy of use of Arrigoni Lirsa brand agrofilms in controlling temperature, increasing plants’ yields, reducing water use and ensuring earlier ripening of the crop.  

Arrigoni, a constant investor in research and development, will be presenting this and other innovative solutions for protecting melons and all greenhouse fruit and vegetable crops at the upcoming GreenTech in Amsterdam, the key international show for the entire production chain, to be held from 11 to 13 June 2024. 

“Our solutions for the fruit and vegetable sector, and for melon farmers in particular, aim to improve microclimate parameters to bring production forward. Guaranteeing a brighter, cooler growing environment, ideal for plant growth, helps to reduce water consumption and use of man-made substances. What’s more, boosting plants’ photosynthesis has positive repercussions on ripening times, with an increase in degrees Brix and in the fruit’s overall quality,” Arrigoni agronomist Giuliano Giotta explains.  

Confirmation of Arrigoni solutions’ effectiveness is provided by Cristiano Lorenzini of OP Lorenzini Naturamica of Mantua, which in its specific case used the Lirsalux, Sanalux and TraTec films.

 “Melon growers like us can face two conflicting needs: plants transplanted early can require more heat to protect them from possible late frosts and bring production forward significantly. At the same time, plants transplanted late can still need a good level of heat but it’s also important to prevent scorching on the hottest days. By using Arrigoni Lirsa brand agrofilms we were able to achieve these aims easily, hugely reducing plant stress levels. We found plants’ output was much more uniform, with higher product degrees Brix and an overall improvement in fruit quality over a very long crop cycle,” Mr Lorenzini concluded.   

Lirsalux and TraTec are two agrofilms with very high thermal insulation properties, mainly used to deliver earlier cropping and mitigate low winter temperatures, reducing frost damage. These products are particularly effective for the cold-weather protection of crops like melon and watermelon. For late summer crops, the use of Sanalux low tunnel film is ideal, because it cuts off NIR (Near InfraRed) radiation, keeping the temperature in the tunnel significantly lower. This characteristic helps to create a healthier environment where plants can grow and prosper in June and July, the hottest months. What’s more, photoselective white-green mulching provides additional aid in creating optimal conditions for crops when temperatures are high.  
As well as these solutions, the Arrigoni Group has other products particularly well suited to crops like melon: Prisma and Robuxta 
Prisma, the range of white heat-reflecting screens with LD-Light Diffusion additives, enables more uniform diffusion of light around the plant and lower down, while Robuxta is the line of ultra-strong nets with high abrasion resistance provided by the added monofilament that protects the weft tape. Amongst their many benefits, Robuxta screens can also be installed with automation systems which enable them to be opened and closed from remote depending on weather conditions.  
Last but not least, Arrigoni has a rich assortment of mulching films, also under the Lirsa brand, such as the Thermoplast range films developed for greenhouse or orchard applications. 

Specifically, Arrigoni Lirsa brand mulching films have significant effects on plant growth, increasing crop size and quality. What’s more, new film colour combinations, with different colours on the ground and surface sides, are currently undergoing strict field tests and trials. The results so far are very encouraging in terms of earlier cropping, thanks to the increase in root temperature.  

In line with the company’s sustainability policies in recent years, Arrigoni offers Ecoplast biodegradable mulching films, agricultural solutions particularly popular with growers. The biodegradable plastic film can be disposed of directly in the field after use and leaves no traces for following crops. As well as cost savings, the farm also benefits from a process that requires less labour during the production phase. 

On stand 345 in hall 01 at GreenTech, the company will be presenting all the group’s solutions to the trade: from the Lirsa brand agrofilms to the heat-reflecting screens, right through to the mulching films and the high-ventilation anti-insect lines.

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