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Copefrut signs contract committing to 100% clean energy supplies and renewable sources

The agreement, which was finalized in May 2021 and will last for four years, looks at energy supplies such as wind, solar and geothermal or hydraulic in order to obtain the green seal from International Renewable Energy Certificates.


Renewable energy sources.

A crucial action to mitigate climate change, and especially for greenhouse gas reduction, is the use of renewable energy in production processes. In order to advance sustainable agricultural practices, the Chilean fruit company Copefrut signed a contract that ensures all energy supplied from the National Electric System comes from 100% clean energy.

Copefrut, a Chilean company with over 65 years in the production and export of traditional and organic fresh fruit, signed a contract to commit to 100% clean energy supplies and renewable sources with Enel Generación, allowing the fruit company to change where its energy comes from for operations in processing plants within Chile’s central region.

 “We believe that it is our responsibility to rethink agriculture in the coming years, so we are taking on vital commitments in terms of sustainability and responsibility for the environment. Ensuring the supply of 100% clean energy in our production processes is one of the actions that allow us to advance decisively in the matters that mark our current and future challenges,” said Manuel Ibáñez, Copefrut Operations Manager.

According to data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the highest global authority on climate change, burning fossil fuels to produce energy and heat in industries, homes and for transport represents 60% of greenhouse gas emissions, causing global warming and climate change.

In agriculture, energy is used in various ways, for example for pumping water for irrigation or drainage, in machinery, treatments or harvesting, during packing and conservation of the fruit among many other processes in the production chain. Given these considerations, the adoption of these commitments is urgent at the industrial level to help solidify the transition from polluting sources toward the use of renewable, clean energy.

The agreement, which was finalized in May 2021 and will last for four years, looks at energy supplies such as wind, solar and geothermal or hydraulic in order to obtain the green seal from International Renewable Energy Certificates (I-REC), an independent international body that certifies all energy supplied by Enel is pumped into the National Electric System (SEN) by renewable generation sources.

This allows Copefrut to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, make the most of energy traceability, certify origin and ownership, and most importantly, minimize the environmental and social impact of production processes.

“With this contract and through this certification, we can support our clients in meeting their strategic goals, such as having operations that are increasingly sustainable and friendly to their community and environment,” said Humberto Espejo, Enel Generación’s Trading and Marketing Manager.

Without a doubt, this is a challenge and commitment that all industries should adopt and that Copefrut has already incorporated into its business vision and mission.

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