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Nueva Vid joins Grupo Hijuelas to transform fruit production globally

The objective of this union of Chilean companies is to scale fruit plants production at a global level.


Moment of the agreement signing.

In order to be the spearhead of “shaking up” Chilean and regional fruit growing, and to support the long-awaited technological reconfiguration of the sector faced with the loss of competitiveness and climate change, two of the most important nurseries in the country have decided to join forces.

Nueva Vid, recognized for its footprint in the table grape industry, joins Grupo Hijuelas, a holding company of agricultural companies that is emerging as an agricultural development platform with a presence in different markets globally, sealing a partnership that promises to revolutionize plant production worldwide.

Gaspar Goycoolea, president of Grupo Hijuelas, enthusiastically expresses that Nueva Vid is joining a joint effort to scale up the production of fruit plants globally. “The most beautiful thing of all is that two families are joining in a common dream: to make better plants for better development of agriculture globally,” he says. “These are synergies that come together for the development of Chilean fruit growing. Chile needs to shake off bad vibes and break with years of inertia to move towards a new fruit industry.”

For his part, the main partner of Nueva Vid and former president of Fedefruta, Jorge Valenzuela Trebilcock, stressed the urgency of this alliance: "Fruit industry today in Chile needs renewal. Renewal comes hand in hand with genetics, quality, technology and support that Nueva Vid, by joining Grupo Hijuelas, will be able to provide to producers in Chile, Latin America and the world. This alliance offers a plant of a high quality standard, with the genetics and the necessary agronomic technical support."

Juan Ignacio Goycoolea, general manager of the holding, highlighted the diversification and scope that this union entails: "The idea is not only to integrate Nueva Vid's experience in table, wine or pisco grapes into our ecosystem, but also to jointly expand the portfolio of products focused on larger fruit trees on the Grupo Hijuelas platform, such as cherries and stone fruit with certified products and finished plants, to address the Chilean industry in other markets, and to integrate other Hijuelas units that will be at the service of Nueva Vid to deliver a differentiating product."

Valenzuela concluded with an optimistic view: "Chile must renew itself and change to become a relevant player in the southern hemisphere. This renewal is necessary at a global level due to changes in consumer habits. Today's consumers require different and high-quality products."

Message to producers and investment funds

The entry of Nueva Vid and Grupo Hijuelas marks the beginning of a new era in fruit growing, taking fruit production to a new level of quality and efficiency.

Thus, Juan Goycoolea reaffirms that Grupo Hijuelas' task is "to become the largest agricultural development platform with a global presence. This alliance with Nueva Vid will allow us to diversify our portfolio and reach new markets with new products, taking advantage of all our expertise."

Finally, "this message is not only for producers, but also for investment funds that believe in food, believe in fruit and that everything starts with the nurseries in this chain that need these funds, these new investments, safe, quality products, and that behind them there are professional, responsible people who can provide that support," Valenzuela concluded.

Both Grupo Hijuelas and Nueva Vid will be present at the 2024 version of Agrotrade in Lima Peru, organized for July 18 by the Association of Nurseries of Chile. There, their teams will talk with producers, representatives and industry leaders to achieve the tasks outlined.

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