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The 10th International Aneberries Congress will be held online from July 27 to 31

Berries of Mexico are betting on its celebration via the Internet in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Aneberries Congress image.

Berries of Mexico, one of the most emblematic productions in the Mexican agri-food sector, have decided - in a very successful and appropriate way - to hold the 10th ANEBERRIES Congress on the Internet (Online) and providing an innovative and pioneering system to carry out this very important event, which takes place annually.

The National Association of Exporters of Berries of Mexico (ANEBERRIES) has been very aware and responsible for the situation that is being experienced as a consequence of the Coronavirus pandemic, and it is evident that taking into account the times that we have had to live, it is being imposing the realization with more force of conferences, congresses, talks or courses via online.

The new reality that is lived around the world, necessarily passes - at least for a time - by organizing events online, and that in the case of ANEBERRIES, I am fully convinced that it will pleasantly surprise all of us who are some " in love ”in the Mexican berry sector.

In this new event, the 10th ANEBERRIES International Congress, topics of utmost importance will be addressed such as: “The impact of COVID - 19 in the berry industry” where the experience of the speakers will give the perspective and changes that this stage has brought to berries. "What should an industry that claims to be sustainable do? FAO vision of the world situation of COVID - 19 ”where the speakers will give the world perspective on sustainability in the face of this new challenge.

Conferences on phytosanitary where he will delve into the management of new pests and phytosanitary challenges with topics such as: "Management alternatives for Duponchelia fovealis Zeller in strawberry cultivation", "Phytosanitary regulations for berries in the market of the European Union and Brazil ”And many more that will be available during the 5 days of the congress.

Regarding safety among a large agenda, topics such as: "National Legislation on the Use of Agricultural Water", "Covid-19 and its impact on Agri-Food Safety in the Berries Industry" and "Molecular Microbiology as a Tool to Reduce" the Presence of Pathogens in Berries. ”

It is evident that it is going to be a very attractive and interesting Congress, and that it will bring together many professionals such as producers, agricultural engineers, distributors of plant protection products, journalists, marketing specialists, etc., in the wide universe of the Internet, and with some papers that will provide very interesting and enriching content. For all this, you cannot miss it, of course this server, will not miss any detail to participate one more year, in the great celebration of Mexican berries, which is the 10th ANEBERRIES Congress, and for the first time, it will be "in line".

Without a doubt, my most sincere congratulations to the leaders of ANEBERRIES, for this innovative format and for continuing to inform and disseminate to society about Mexican berries, despite living in the days of COVID-19.

The appointment of this prestigious event is the week of July 27 to 31, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Central Mexico time) on the Aneberries online platform.

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