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Mexico | Plant health

Mexico will import vegetative material from certified French vines to boost the Mexican wine sector

The objective is to offer Mexican producers material from phytosanitary certified seeds to strengthen plant health in the wine grape producing regions in the American country.


Bunch of grapes.

In order to strengthen health in Mexico's wine regions and thus move towards more environmentally friendly practices that contribute to the social and economic development of the producing areas, the Mexican Senasica and the French government are working on a collaborative project to ensure that farmers have access to healthy, safe plants at affordable prices.

The Agriculture agency, the Mexican Wine Council (CMV) and the French Embassy in Mexico will visit various producing areas with the purpose of identifying the project's variables, especially in terms of plant health, soil quality and plant adaptation to climate change.

Once this step is completed, they will seek to import vegetative material from the European country, plants recognized worldwide for their genetics and high capacity to adapt to different environments. The material will be used to install certified nurseries, which will offer plants at affordable prices for producers.

It is important to note that a certified nursery, in this case for industrial grapes, is an establishment where plants are produced from seeds certified in phytosanitary matters, which are intended for sowing in the field for the production of healthy fruit.

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