Peru | Production
Despite the COVID-19, the Peruvian agricultural sector grew by 2% between January and May this year Greater production of paprika, paddy rice, blueberry, starchy corn, among other products, was observed. 7/17/2020
Despite the impacts generated by the coronavirus pandemic (covid-19), the agricultural sector continues to grow, and this time experienced an increase of 2.0% in the January-May period of this year compared to the same period in 2019, sustained by the higher production of the agricultural subsectors (2.4%) and livestock (1.3%), as reported by the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Minagri). According to a report by the General Directorate for Monitoring and Policy Evaluation of the Minagri, only the agricultural subsector had an increase of 2.4%, basically driven by the higher production of: paprika, which grew 46.6% (in Lima, Ancash and Piura), paddy rice in 18.7% (in Lambayeque, Piura, San Martín and La Libertad), blueberry 17.0% (in Lambayeque, Ancash and Piura), starchy corn 10.7% (Apurímac, Cusco and Ancash), potato in 7.0% (in Ayacucho, Huancavelica and Apurímac), hard yellow corn 6.2% (in San Martín, Ica and Lambayeque), grape 6.9% (in Ica and Piura), alfalfa 4.1% (in Moquegua, Puno and Huancavelica), among others. For its part, the livestock sector achieved an increase of 1.3%. This result was mainly due to the higher production of: chicken that increased by 1.7% (greater placement of bb chickens in the meat line in Lima, La Libertad and Arequipa), raw cow's milk 2.0% (greater number of milking cows and improved yields in Arequipa, Lima and Ica), 2.0% chicken egg (increase in laying hens in La Libertad, Lima and Ica) and pig 3.5% (higher output for consumption in Lima, Ica and La Libertad). It grows in May Finally, last May the agricultural sector registered a growth of 1.6%. In that month, the agricultural subsector grew by 2.7%, basically due to the higher production obtained from: pecan, which increased by 147.4% (in Ica), paddy rice by 47.0% (in Lambayeque, La Libertad). ), hard yellow corn 20.9% (in Ica and Amazonas), onion 18.8% (Arequipa and Ica), starchy corn 12.4% (in Apurímac, Cusco and Ayacucho), sugar cane for sugar 9.7 % (in La Libertad, Ancash and Piura), asparagus 8.4% (in Ica and Lima) and cocoa 4.6% (Ucayali, Piura and Amazonas). For example, rice cultivation experienced growth figures explained by the largest plantings carried out in Lambayeque during January of this year, compared to what was registered in the same month of 2019 (with 4,834 more hectares), the same ones that were harvested last May; and in La Libertad, due to the delay of the harvests that should have come out last April and were only harvested in May.
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