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EU fails to reach agreement on EC proposal for new genomic techniques

Copa and Cogeca highlights the disadvantage of the European farmers compared to their colleagues from third countries by lagging this critical issue.


Plant breeding.

The Ambassadors of the Permanent Representation of the Member States to the EU (COREPER 1) failed to agree on a negotiation mandate on the European Commission’s Proposal on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs). Copa and Cogeca regret this latest missed opportunity under the Belgian Presidency and call on the Council to take responsibility on this matter, particularly in view of the conclusions approved yesterday on the future of agriculture.

Despite all the efforts of the Belgian negotiators to initiate trilogues on NGTs with the European Parliament, the firm positions of certain Member States will not have enabled a conclusion to be reached under this Presidency of the Council. Copa and Cogeca welcome the significant efforts made by the Belgian Presidency, while recalling the importance of giving clarity and a conclusion to the negotiation process. 

Without an EU legislation on NGTs, EU farmers will be denied one of the essential tools to adapt to climate change and answer the objectives for the reduction of the risk and use of PPPs. By lagging on this critical issue, the EU will also put European farmers at a competitive disadvantage compared to their colleagues from third countries.

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