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Polish fruit and vegetable exhibition TSW returns for its 15th edition from 22 to 23 January 2025

TSW, which will take place in Kielce, is the most important agricultural event in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe.


Previous editions of TSW.

The interest of enterprises and fruit and vegetable producers in participating in the 15th anniversary edition of the TSW Fruit and Vegetable Industry Fair is enormous. The event organized by Oficyna Wydawnicza Oikos from Warsaw will again become the largest meeting of the gardening industry in Central and Eastern Europe.

The president of OIKOS Publishing House, Jacek Kludka, emphasizes the importance of TSW as a platform for presenting the latest innovations and technologies.  – The opportunity to present modern solutions, talks with thousands of specific customers from Poland and abroad, and, above all, sold machines and contracted deliveries of horticultural production resources are the most important arguments thanks to which exhibitors declared their participation in the next edition already during the January event. Numerous reservations are already being confirmed! We can expect that there will be more exhibitors than in 2024, says Jacek Kludka.

The 15th Fruit and Vegetable Industry Fair is a unique opportunity for producers, distributors and specialists from the horticultural industry to establish new contacts, gain valuable knowledge and learn about the latest trends and innovations.

A new feature during the 15th anniversary edition of the Fruit and Vegetable Industry Fair will be a special zone for merchants and producers - the Business Zone! It was created to provide comfortable conditions for establishing business contacts and exchanging experiences between key market participants. This new meeting place aims to support collaboration and facilitate conversations about the latest trends and technologies in the industry.

TSW, which will take place on January 22-23, 2025 in Kielce, is the most important industry event in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe offering innovations, the latest technologies and the most up-to-date knowledge - provided, among others, by: during conferences accompanying the fair.

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